What Is MentaMorph Money?

Mentamorph Money is an immersive simulation game on how to spend and invest for the greatest return.  It is both engaging and educational!The game contains invaluable lessons about financial investments, resource management, and life philosophies. Life is a balancing act between health, happiness, mental sanity, and wealth - and you get to decide how you want to live and play.

Deep Knowledge of Basic Financial Concepts
Financial choices in the real world are not made in isolation! You’ll understand the relationship within and between concepts of income, expenses, assets, liabilities, investments, and more.

Application, Not Just Theory
You know you understand the concepts by using them. You experience how savings can protect against emergencies, how debt can reduce choices, how choosing to spend on expenses that provide little value can instead be put into savings and investments, and how that can increase your worth.

Practice Makes Perfect
Choose a starting life scenario and see if you can build wealth and handle novel situations along the way. Play the same scenario with different strategies or try new scenarios. Get your practice here where it doesn’t cost you.You also have access to educational content when you want it. text inside of a div block.

Why Solving Financial Literacy Matters

According to a Forbes.com article on "4 Stats That Reveal How Badly America Is Failing At Financial Literacy":

44% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a $400 emergency.
43% of student loan borrowers are not making payments.
38% of U.S. households have credit card debt.
33% of American adults have $0 saved for retirement.

According to a Brookings Institution Report “Financial Literacy: What Works? How Could It Be More Effective?” there are four approaches used for financial education:

Employer-provided financial education for workers, often targeted toward retirement savings and provided via seminars, information fairs, or the distribution of written information.
State-mandated financial and consumer education for students in public high schools, on overall financial responsibility and record-keeping.
Credit and mortgage counseling, helping households manage debt problems.
Community-based programs increasing saving or debt management

While new forms are emerging, there is so much opportunity for improvement. MentaMorph Money is the answer.

Why MentaMorph Money Matters

MentaMorph Money uses a powerful gaming format integrating the many aspects of financial literacy to simulate the real-world experience.  In MentaMorph Money:

You can "Morph" into multiple customers, roles, income levels, and market scenarios to show patterns.
Multiple categories for expenses and assets differentiate where to find the money for savings and investments.
You can progress to more levels and enjoy additional releases.
You can experience how multiple choices affect your financial situation over time - not just once, but over and over.
You can play anytime, anywhere.

A deeper understanding occurs when patterns are recognized, which is possible with multiple experiences. No other game throws all of the parts at you at once so you can actually practice making decisions - not just providing theory but including application, and not just once, but under different environments.

MentaMorph Money has an additional benefit in education. Recent events show the need for life skills to be taught in schools in addition to scholastic studies. By creating a curriculum and artifacts that teach the principles in a physical arena, and by relating the principles to the students' own personal lives, students gain a clearer and deeper understanding of the sciences while learning about life.

Our products teach principles, specifically in the areas of math and science. For instance, exponential growth can be related to savings and debt as well as population growth and the biological growth and depletion curves, as well as the spread of gossip and the pandemic.

The Inventor's Vision

My design perspective is that money is a form of energy storage or value storage, and teaching about money in a concept and game-driven way also provides the opportunity to relate it to human energy.

For instance, when covering the topic of investments, it also relates to:
Investments of a non-physical nature, such as investing in your education, investing in experiences.
Assets including relationships, social skills, knowledge.
Matrix-driven design, which enables the game to "morph" to playing as an individual, household, business, or country with relative ease.
It also provides the possibility of using it to teach life skills during the debrief when used in a classroom environment.

Market Exploration and Early Success

Tabletop Format
This game was first "dreamt up" in a manual scoring format using toothpicks for money and stickers and paper for scoring.  

It was a finalist in the Pocket Change competition for financial games.  

Some favorite comments from past participants are:
“ I’m in 6th grade and I really learned about life. Expenses, emergencies can really influence your situation. Stuff like rent, food are essentials that you need daily."

"You need to prioritize what you spend your money on. “

"The game/experience was very fun and interesting. It required me to think far ahead and I learned from my mistakes."

"When this gets into an app, please tell us!"

Excel Version
The calculations have been fully developed in an Excel format and it has been played with adults.

The Excel engine portion will be the basis of the app we are developing but with a user-friendly interface.

New User-Friendly Design

A user experience study was completed last month with the input from the users incorporated into the new design.

MentaMorph: How You Play

Each game is based on a scenario. The first is a Tree Farm.

The game is played in Rounds, with multiple decisions per round as occurs in the real world.  Below are some of the initial actions. As the game progresses, additional functions are added.

The highest net worth at the end of the game. The elements of the game can be divided into 4 categories:

Income (Currency, Apples)
Each round you collect the income. In our game, this is done by collecting apples from your apple farm. You collect 3 income as a base amount. Your income can either increase, with savings or decrease, if you have an outstanding loan.

ExpensesWeekly Expenses (Watering)Every week, or round, one currency must be paid in order for the game to continue. In our game this is represented by watering.Monthly Expenses (Fertilizing)Every month, or 4 rounds, one currency must be paid. In our game this cost is represented by fertilizing. If they are not paid there is 1 currency penalty of income for the next four rounds.


Assets (Savings)
A Savings asset can be obtained in blocks (7 currency each). It gives the player 1 income per block for every round they hold it.  Players can reclaim the 7 currency whenever they choose.

Fixed Assets (Apple
Fixed assets cost a fixed amount (7 currency). They enable the player to collect 1 additional income every round they hold it. They can also be sold back for 6 currency if needed.

Variable Assets (Type of Wood)
Variable assets are essentially stocks. In our game they are represented by seeds. Their value goes up and down at random so the goal is to purchase them when their value is low and sell them at a higher price to make a profit.


Emergencies (Beetles, Fire, etc)

Emergencies are randomly occurring events that cost currency to resolve. Emergencies need to be resolved before you advance to the next round or the game is over.

They encourage players to balance their assets so they can manage these unexpected investments. If a player is invested entirely in the more risky variable assets but their value is not sufficient to manage an emergency they will either have to pay a penalty on a loan or lose the game.

Loans give the player 6 currency when they are taken out. Players need to pay 6 currency to resolve the loan. However, every round before the loan is paid a penalty of 1 income is applied until the loan is resolved.

At any point in the game users can see how they are doing by seeing their net worth.

Additional Scenarios and Levels

The Tree Farm scenario introduces the major categories of the game design.

Additional scenarios are planned to be played as students, heads of households, careers, businesses and even countries. The principles are the same; the types of Income, Expense, Assets, Liabilities and Investments change.

As game play progresses new levels are introduced.

The possibilities are endless.